having a Kapha predominant Constitution (prakriti) means that all the following qualities can express themselves generously throughout your mental, emotional, and physical make up.
The qualities of Kapha
- unctuous
- cool
- heavy
- slow
- smooth
- soft
- stable
- dense
- cloudy
- viscous
Someone with Kapha predominant Constitution can have for example slow reaction and a cloudy mind.
AND because Ayurveda is built around the basic idea of like increases like Kapha will increase in your body, mind, and spirit by increasing the qualities above. So:
Cold weather, heavy foods or wet seasons tend to increase Kapha.
BUT Kapha in excess can be unhealthy and lead to the following signs or symptoms
on a psychological level:
- mental sluggishness, slowness
- Weak drive
- Melancholy
on a physical level:
- Feeling of heaviness
- Obesity
- Water accumulation
- Excessive mucus formation
- Susceptibility to colds
- Allergies
When healthy Kapha governs our capacity we experience
- nourishment
- growth
- stamina
As mentioned before Ayurveda is built around the basic idea that like increases like and opposites balance.
-> So you balance a dosha by using the opposite.
Qualities opposite to Kapha are those
- warm
- dry
- light
- active
Everything can be used to restore healthy balance because everything that exists has a quality. This includes but is not limited to: foods, colors, smells, and lifestyles.
- Stimulating your body and mind on a daily basis with a routine.
- Keeping your body warm and dry, no matter what the weather.
- Trying new things, taking risks, and being spotaneous.
- Lively and invigorating music, experiences, and company.
Kapha-pacifying yoga to warm your body, uplift your spirits.
Clothing, colors, smells & jewellery
- Clothing with stimulating colors and breathable materials.
- jewellery fiery red ruby, red coral or garnet and as metal as possible pure gold.
To favor because it decrease Kapha
- Foods that are pungent, bitter, or astringent in taste.
- Warm foods, both energetically and in temperature.
- Whole, freshly cooked foods.
- Light, dry, and warm foods.
- Only room temperature or warm drinks and herbal teas.
- Lots of veggies. Favor warm cooked veggies as much as possible.
- Enjoy coffee and caffeine only in moderation.
- more details about Food for Kapha
To avoid because it increase Kapha
- Foods that are sweet, sour, and/or salty.
- Cooling foods, both energetically and in temperature.
- Heavy and oily foods, such as cheese, French fries, nuts, or pastries.
- Highly processed foods (e.g. canned or frozen foods, “TV” dinners or pastries).
- Cold, iced, or carbonated drinks.
- Overeating or eating heavy meals.
- Eating fresh fruit or drinking fruit juice within 1/2 hour of any other food.
- Excessive red meat.
- Foods or drinks that contain refined sugar or corn syrup.
- Deep fried foods.
- Alcohol, except for an occasional glass of dry red or white wine.